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Being Your Own Boss

Updated: May 3, 2019

I'm non-traditionalist and doing what I want, without harming anybody in the process, since I know myself. Fast forward to more 'mature' age I have to say that I have never been working on salary. The commitment and responsibility for my well-being has always been mine and it will remain that way. It can't be otherwise. However you look at it you are usually the one who has your best interest at heart. My main focus in life has always been to work on my interests, to read with the thought of self-improvement and continuous learning – one can't know too much of the right 'things': values, practical knowledge and skills, specially but not limited to health. My humble observation is that the medical industry is focused on the business of treating symptoms not curing anything. And of course, if it was to focus on curing, rather than making people dependent on their synthetic products, they are going to drive themselves out of business and existence.

So, having the above mentioned disposition, I'm now not surprised that I ended up writing a book such as 'How to Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy WITHOUT Using Contraceptive Drugs', which wasn't my original thought, but I gave in to a persistent 9-year-inner-push to share the knowledge I got from a little book, when I was 16, about avoiding unplanned pregnancy with nothing but natural methods. What made me get myself together and do it was the words of a family (male) friend who was actually the one to inform me about the existence of contraceptive drugs and worst still their dangerous to our health and live side effects. I'm all about not harming and what's right or not and unable to justify the use of damaging substances I wrote the book in a month – February 2007.

Going back to my tendency to have always been my own boss, here, I'd like to share an affiliate opportunity, with like-minded people, who will appreciate it.

When I wrote the book I had no idea how to market it. I wanted it to be an accessible knowledge to teenage girls and boys to save them hormonal dis-balance and potential abortions. I don't agree with the butchering girls go through in the process and the mutilation and murder of unborn, unwanted children – some of them do survive and one can not imaging the thoughts they might be spinning in their heads, regarding such a brutal rejection of their lives!

So, learning about different marketing ways I came across 'something' called 'Affiliate Marketing' and finally – this year 2019 – I managed to create an Affiliate Program, which can potentially put the title in front of more reader, giving carrying (affiliate) people to promote a product able to make a positive difference in young people's life.

If you are one of them you are welcome to participate in the book's launch, which comes with an Affiliate Contest, giving 40,000 euros in Prizes, on top of the 55% commission you can get from the sale of every book. The launch is scheduled to start on 3-15 May 2019, but the commission rate will never be reduced, likely to be increased, and once we have reached the current threshold the giveaway Prices will also increase.

Follow the link to find out more about this opportunity and sign up.

Or if you just want a copy of the book without any further involvement the link below will give you a choice of retailers. The title is available in English, Spanish and Bulgarian for now.

– Pett Corby

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