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How to Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy WITHOUT Using Contraceptive Drugs

There's no humane ABORTION! Learn how to avoid unwanted pregnancy naturally.

This is probably the only book on the market on the topic of avoiding unplanned pregnancy naturally.

Here is possibly everything you need to know about well forgotten natural ways for avoiding Unplanned Pregnancy (UP).

There's practically NO need to use contraceptive drugs, coming with a list of dangerous side effects, altering our fragile hormonal balance, to say the least. Before the industry's first steps in mid 1800s, humanity did not experience a boom of reproduction due to ignorance. How did people avoid unwanted pregnancy then? Simple. Using non-intrusive methods, in harmony with nature.

How to Avoid Unplanned Pregnancy WITHOUT Using Contraceptive Drugs explores both the physical and emotional sides to intimacy, ways to assess a relationship and its longevity potential, actions that can sabotage a relationship and techniques you can use to help prevent UP safely and naturally.

The book is available from online shops and libraries, including in electronic and paper formats.

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